






2021 Returning College Student Recipients! 

Barnes County North Dollars for Scholars would like to announce our 2021 Returning College Student Scholarships.  Each of the following recipients

will receive a $600 scholarship for their fall semester.  These scholarships were funded by the our BCN Dollars for Scholars Endowment Fund.  Congratulations!


Sara Anderson (Heinze) - Minnesota State University, Moorhead

Shannon Bryn - University of Jamestown

Alexis Greshik - Northern State University, Aberdeen                                                                      

Tabitha Muncy - Valley City State University

Jaycee Rudolph - University of North Dakota

Kennedy Thompson - Trinity Bible College, Ellendale

Samantha Wieland - University of Colorado, Denver; Anschutz Medical Campus-Aurora

Clara Wieland - Valley City State University



